Leadership and team coaching

Professional coaching is a partnership that focuses on the action leaders intend to take to achieve their vision, goals, and desires.

Coaching provokes self-discovery reflections that make leaders explore their level of insight and accountability.

LeaderZone coachs are all certified and support leaders and employees in their growth through solid, exploration-rich methodologies.

Coaching for executives

Coaching for executives who :

Manage complex situations with major impact;

Handle sensitive political issues;

Want to influence stakeholders and mobilize large teams;

Aim for a conscious and sustainable strategic positioning.

Coaching for management

Coaching for middle managers who :

Take their new or evolving responsibilities seriously;

Want to deploy their operational or tactical leadership;

Explore possible solutions to team conflicts, operational or organizational problems;

Aim for short- and long-term development and growth.

Coaching for teams

Coaching of natural, project, management or executive teams that :

Experience a clash of egos within the team or work in silos;

Crumbling under disproportionate workloads;

Aspire to more constructive communications to improve mutual trust;

Aim for greater cohesion to enable us to go further together.

Your coaching process can be enhanced by :

Personality profiles and psychometric reports such as DISC, Nova, MBTI, Process Com and AtmanCo

360 assessment with the Leadership Circle Profile

Co-development meetings

Training on specific development themes

Experience coaching with a LeaderZone coach,
is to give yourself time to :

S’engager dans une démarche d’épanouissement et de croissance

S’approfondir dans la découverte de soi et de l’autre

Sortir des sentiers battus dans la recherche de solutions

Are you ready to begin your professional coaching adventure?

Contact us to specify your choices and discover the advantages of a formula adapted to your organizational culture and learning context.


Julie D. CouillardConsultante en développement organisationnel, formatrice et coach
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I took your Powershot training offered by the Ordre des CRHA last February. Today I just wanted to share with you that I had the chance to apply your tips and tricks in a conference I gave at a conference.
The event was a great success and I am sure that the central message was well received... A big thank you to you!!
Jeanny DionneCoach certifiée PCC,
entrepreneure et auteure
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Thank you for this superb workshop that you offered us at the ICF Congress. A great energy, humor and a simple way to convey concepts to us.
Eveline Bleau
Eveline BleauConseillère, avantages sociaux et mieux-être
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You have been able to capture attention, and the level of participation and commitment confirms it. The interactions and reflections you propose promote the appropriation of the different concepts and tools, a key element in the success of a training. In short, we are very satisfied with the webinar and we will not hesitate to call on you again if another need arises.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional IntelligenceA capture of the chat window at the end of a session in January 2021
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Loved this session it is encouraging to know everyone is in the same boat. 15:57:01
All your sessions are great but this one was really necessary and very well-timed.15:58:16
I like how it was simple and straightforward.15:58:50
This has been an enriching session. I like the discussion about the different needs…we all need to hear it. Thank you for this session!15:59:33
Thank you! The phone rang during the presentation and I didn't answer it. I learned that I had to take some time for myself.16:00:22
Dimitri Girier, CRHA
Dimitri Girier, CRHA01-2022
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J'ai eu l'opportunité de suivre la formation de Jorj sur les formations en format Powershot. Je n'ai pas regretté une seule minute des 90 min qu'a duré la formation. La qualité de l’animation et la formation sont très élevées. La formation m’a amené plein de pistes de réflexion afin de favoriser l’engagement des apprenants et encourager encore plus la mise en pratique des apprentissages et adoptions de nouveaux comportements. Très utiles. Peu de temps après la formation de Jorj, je donnais moi-même une formation et il était très facile pour moi d'intégrer de nouvelles façons de faire (apprises durant la formation) pour ajouter du rythme et clarifier les messages clé. Sa formation est définitivement 1h30 bien investie dont le ROI est excellent et très rapide.
Evelyne Bundock
Evelyne BundockFormer VP Human Resources - 5N Plus
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In 2018-2019, we asked Jorj Helou to build several leadership development programs for our worldwide industrial sites. One of them was about supporting selected leaders become the strategic succession to the current management team. Through psychometric assessments, development workshops and coaching sessions, Jorj succeeded in helping the individuals in clarifying their needs, positioning their leadership, and acting upon reaching their personal targets. I recommend Jorj with no hesitations at all. He is a pleasure to work with.
NicolasTraining Manager - Banking Sector
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I have been working on my leadership positioning and business interactions coached by Jorj, as I was starting a new role that was challenging for me. I needed to take a step back and be able to grow quickly. Jorj helped me in positioning myself in a constructive way through a difficult relation with a senior manager, allowing me to turn it to a positive partnership. I liked how Jorj was able to listen actively and guide my thoughts and how sometimes he gave me canvas and practical tools to reflect and act. I surely recommend Jorj as a coach.
DanyCRHA - Industrie du jeu vidéo
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J’ai eu la chance de collaborer et d’avoir Jorj comme formateur pour notre programme corporatif de leadership. Il s’est avéré un allié précieux dans l’implantation et ses compétences et ses connaissances variées ont fait de lui un acteur important du programme. Il a su rapidement comprendre la culture de notre organisation et les participants ont activement appris tant en présentiel qu’'en vidéo-conférence. Je recommande définitivement Jorj pour former les gestionnaires de vos organisations.
Liane Corless
Liane CorlessDiabsolut HR
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Depuis le début de la pandémie, Jorj a fourni un parcours de développement virtuel à un groupe de nos futurs dirigeants. Malgré le cadre virtuel, il a su être engageant et perspicace, en guidant les participants à travers une série d’ateliers d’auto-découverte. Son souffle de connaissances sur le leadership, la culture d’entreprise et la motivation est impressionnant. En plus de sa personnalité positive et effervescente, Jorj est une personne à l’écoute, attentive et authentique. Les participants attendent avec impatience ces sessions, qui leur permettent de prendre du recul par rapport aux exigences quotidiennes du travail et de se concentrer sur l’apprentissage de compétences pratiques en matière de leadership et partager l’expérience avec leurs collègues. Je n’hésiterais pas à le recommander pour aider votre entreprise à développer ses dirigeants de demain.
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Je tenais à vous partager que vous êtes ma découverte de « post » de qualité et de pertinence de 2020. A chaque fois que je tombe sur un de vos post, je le trouve pertinent et ils sont facilement intégrables à ma gestion et mes pratiques RH. Alors, gogogo continuez à nous influencer.
Formation virtuelle
Formation virtuelleCommentaire
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Optimiser ses réunions virtuelles « Qui aurait cru qu’une formation sur les réunions pouvait être à ce point intéressante? Le formateur est super, dynamique, à l’écoute, expert. »

Proud to have collaborated with

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