Humanity needs inspiring leaders. Voir le profile Linkedin

I coach leaders and their teams entering the discovery zone. Either they are exposed to headwinds (new challenge, transition, transformation) or they decide to bring out their leadership talents from within (communication, mobilization, etc.).

In my coaching approach inspired by the GROW*, model, my superpowers are pleasure, empathy, and generosity. The psychometric tools of self-discovery combined with my twenty years of experience as a leader, coach and advisor allow me to play a practical and effective role.

Every morning, I get up with the desire to catalyze the strengths and colors of people who contribute to the success of their organizations and the achievement of their objectives. At the end of the day, my duty is done when my clients tell me about the next step…

When do we start?

  • Executive coaching for impactful leadership
  • Co-development for strategic management teams
  • Bonding natural teams based on the strengths and talents of each collaborator
*GROW: Goal-Reality-Option-Will
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