A Why to help change the world!

I put this why into practice by helping to have a lasting impact on the development of the leadership of individuals who are in executive positions, management teams and boards of directors.

My management philosophy is inspired by leaders, in the noble sense of the term: that of instilling momentum through clarity of intention.

Like talented orchestra conductors, they see and mobilize the potential of individuals by building the confidence and esteem of the person in front of them.

Their intention is not to be at the head of their organization, but rather at the heart of their teams.

La question qui m’habite, et pour laquelle je choisis ce nouveau Compostelle intellectuel : à quoi ressembleront le leader du futur et l’identité de l’organisation de demain? Curieux de m’accompagner dans la recherche et l’application de cette dernière ?

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  • Management teams support
  • Executive coaching
  • Strategic planning
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