Dynamic and efficient meetings

Faced with teams that suffer from:

  • meetingitis;
  • boring and long encounters;
  • difficulties in adapting to the virtual and even more so to the hybrid;
  • lack of concentration of participants who are often multitasking;
  • difficult participations that affect collaborative work,

The leader must be creative in order to arouse and keep the interest of his employees during meetings. which must be a healthy space for communication allowing the dissemination of information, the exchange of opinions, decision-making and collaboration in a climate of psychological safety.

Training objectives

  • Prepare meetings that ensure efficiency and productivity
  • Stimulating everyone's participation and managing difficult participations

or refer to the content below

LeaderZone Approach

  • Our workshops are appreciated for their dynamism and introspective dimension. They are designed to allow participants to explore, to exchange with their colleagues and their coach in a constructive way, to learn and above all to commit to acting differently.
  • This is ensured through various techniques, such as popularized scientific models, inspiring stories, reflection exercises, discussions (in large groups, small teams or duos), analysis of real cases of the participants, demonstrations, self-diagnostics, experiments, debates and serious mini-games.
  • During the workshop, post-training missions are proposed and participants are invited to identify concrete actions that they will implement to ensure the transfer of learning in their daily lives and achieve the desired results.

  • Content adaptable to your reality and your needs
  • In pathway mode to promote long-term learning and transfer
  • 2 or 3 hours per workshop
  • Every 2 to 3 weeks
  • An optimal cohort of 12 participants
  • Virtual, face-to-face, hybrid or co-modal
  • Introspective activities, transferable concrete tools and post-training assignments
  • High level of interaction and facilitation in coaching mode
  • Integration of the LeaderZone platform is recommended for sustained learning across the course (activities between workshops)

Content Preview

Workshop 1.

  • Configure the climate (psychological safety, proximity leadership, creation of optimal conditions)
  • Determine the content (adapted agenda, binding convening, delegation of responsibilities)
  • Plan logistics (technology, tools, time management)

Workshop 2.

  • Engage participants (adapt to profiles, manage difficult participations)
  • Use effective facilitation techniques (facilitator posture, communication tricks, decision-making)
  • Ensure the right follow-up for success (strong finishing, commitment to results)

Workshop 3.

  • Practical exercises, role-plays, self-help circles



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