Are you really a creative leader?

As a leader today, are you creative enough to juggle performance requirements and constraints on one side and empower/direct/structure a team in the expression of their creative potential on the other side?

Are you recognized for your credibility?

Es-tu reconnu pour ta crédibilité?

Your credibility impacts the level of trust that your collaborators have in you. This credibility is granted to you when the perception of your image and your reputation reflects your skills, your integrity, the consistency between your words and your actions and your ability to achieve the results you have promised.

What's stopping you from delegating?

Diagnostic par LeaderZone - volume 9 : Qu’est-ce qui t’empêche de déléguer?

Delegation often comes up as a difficult competence for leaders to practice. The reasons they cite to explain what prevents them are located at the level of operational organization, the maturity of the team and especially, their limiting beliefs.

Mener une rencontre individuelle difficile!

As a leader, you prepare and manage certain meetings that you describe as delicate and difficult. You are concerned about the reactions of your collaborators who are often in difficulty and may exhibit unpleasant or destabilizing behaviors.

Is your team dysfunctional?

Une équipe dysfonctionnelle est certainement moins efficace et productive. Prends quelques minutes pour faire un diagnostic de ton équipe selon les cinq niveaux de maturité inspirés du livre de Lencioni.

Do you dare being a courageous leader?

Do you dare being a courageous leader?

Leaders experience daily situations that require courage.
Take a few minutes to diagnose your courageous actions.

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