Mobilizing leadership

Trust, an essential pillar for the success of a modern team, is stimulated by the positioning of the leader.
Acting on credibility, connection and framework, leaders trust their collaborators and inspire confidence to go beyond.

Le leadership d’influence

Discover impactful tools that can help you and your employees adopt an attitude that is receptive to change, inherent in any organization that wants to be relevant in the era of immense technological progress.

Change Leadership

Discover impactful tools that can help you and your employees adopt an attitude that is receptive to change, inherent in any organization that wants to be relevant in the era of immense technological progress.

Judging: trap or superpower?

Est-ce toujours nécessaire de former un jugement basé sur des analyses profondes ou peut-on se fier à son intuition et son ressenti? Et comment alors dépasser l’influence biaisée de ses propres croyances et valeurs pour demeurer plus inclusif et ouvert aux différences?

Can we develop the superpower of judgment?


La nouvelle réalité engage les leaders à adapter leurs pratiques de gestion virtuelle de leurs opérations et d’encadrement à distance de leurs équipes pour optimiser la contribution.

For an inclusive leadership

Diversité, inclusion, équité, sentiment d’appartenance.
How to go beyond words and take conscious and daring ACTIONS to become an ally and an inclusive leader
et ouvertement pour devenir un allié et un leader inclusif.

Managing priorities for leaders

Trust, an essential pillar for the success of a modern team, is stimulated by the positioning of the leader.
Acting on credibility, connection and framework, leaders trust their collaborators and inspire confidence to go beyond.

The B❒X - A playful reflective workshop

Trust, an essential pillar for the success of a modern team, is stimulated by the positioning of the leader.
Acting on credibility, connection and framework, leaders trust their collaborators and inspire confidence to go beyond.

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